Tuesday, April 23, 2013


It is undoubtedly true that in all countries, myths and legends become infused into history. The United States is no exception.

There is a reason that this happens. Legends are part of a cultural heritage which binds a group of people together. While it is important to ultimately know the difference between historical fact and quasi-historical legend, the stories play a role in national cultural cohesiveness. Legends when part of folk literature, have no known author.  Paul Revere has become a folk hero--a national cultural icon-- his fame  anchored in the American mind by Henry Wadworth Longfellow's inspiring poem written in 1860 at the start of the Civil War. Longfellow was writing a patriotic piece in support of the Union cause as well as slavery abolition, but took great liberties with the facts of the American Reveolution as far as they were known.

Paul Revere was , in fact, a passionate supporter of the American rebellion against England. He played a significant role, especially in the years leading up to the start of the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783).He was a participant in the now famous "midnight ride" which took place in April of 1775.

For a very long time, Paul Revere received major  credit for what has become a famous legendary act.  However, he was not the only person who sought to warn of the approach of  the "Red Coats." (The army of England wore bright red uniforms. The army was also known as "regulars.")  At least two others who shared his mission, (William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott) have gotten little recognition. This is ironic because both Dawes and Prescott remained on the midnight ride much longer than Revere. It is believed, that Dawes might have fallen off his horse at one point leaving Dr. Prescott the rider who arrived at Concord which was the target of the advancing troops. It is guessed that perhaps as many as 40 people were riding the alarm that night but this has never been verified.

 The actual facts of the event are hazy in many respects. Helen Moore corrected the rider omissions in her 1896 sequel to Longfellow's poem, but only for William Dawes. Dr. Prescott remained largely unrecgonized by the general American public.

On April 18th, 1775, Paul Revere, an American patriot discovered that there was a march of Regulars--(troops in the British army,) moving inland. His initial goal was to warn two other American leaders,Samuel Adams (New England leader of the Son's of Liberty) and John Hancock that they might be in danger. He set out by boat on the Charles River (referred to as "sea" by Longfellow in his poem), possibly not on his own, and then switched to horseback. When speaking to the Adams and Hancock,it was concluded that the object of the march was to capture munitions stored in the town of Concord. It was decided that the citizens of Concord, and other nearby towns, should be warned. Paul Revere was joined by William Dawes, another Patriot, then by a third, Dr. Samuel Prescott. It is believed that there were others as well.

The plan was that these men were to stop at as many houses as possible along the way, warning the town's inhabitants of the march of the Regulars, the army of England. 

Not long after the ride began Paul Revere ran into a Redcoat ambush. Both Dawes and Prescott escaped, and continued on their mission, though it is believed that only Prescott made it to Concord. Paul Revere, however, was questioned by the British. Ultimately, they released Revere; it is believed, without his horse.

The famous Battle of Lexington and Concord, considered to be the first battle of the American Revolutionary War took place on April 19, 1775, followed in June by a battle
fought on Breeds Hill, near Boston. (This battle was incorrectly called "The Battle of Bunker Hill.")

Though I take a serious view of history, I enjoy humor, especially when it is satirical or even sardonic. My sequel , THE MIDNIGHT RIDE OF DAWES, REVERE AND PRESCOTT, is in no way intending to be disrespectful of American history in general, and the Midnight Ride in particular.It is merely an attempt to add some levity and, of course, fairness into historical reflection; additionally, to imply the point that there are frailties in all aspect of human life, in history, and even in our heroes. The facts of my sequel might have some holes to which I honesty admit.

Song coming soon


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